Denkform: Regelkreis

098 (1959) Anthony Stafford Beer

098 Das Prinzip der Vervollständigung von außen (BLACK BOX)

Überlegungen, wie sie Gelehrte wie Gödel zum Problem der Unvollständigkeit formalisierter Sprachen angestellt haben, sind auch auf einem anderen, ganz neuen Feld aufgetaucht. Was ist der Ort einer mathematischen Untersuchung, die sich, statt eigentlich Mathematik zu betreiben, die Frage stellt: Was kann in der Mathematik überhaupt ausgesagt werden? Dieses neue Gebiet ist von einem seiner ersten Vertreter, nämlich von Hilbert, als Metamathematik bezeichnet worden — oder als Beweistheorie. Der zweite der beiden Termini erklärt sich selbst, denn die ganze Problematik hat sich aus Fragen nach der ›Beweisbarkeits ergeben. Der Begriff Metamathematik dagegen bedarf der Erläuterung; er besagt, daß die Sprache,

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101 The classification of the social atom

The classification of the social atom illustrates in a dramatic fashion that we live in an ambiguous world, half real and half fiction; that we do not live with persons with whom frequently we would like to live; that we work with persons who are not chosen by us; and that we make love to persons whom we do not love; that we isolate and reject persons whom we need most, and that we throw our lives away for people and principles which are not worthy. The atom concept gives us an opportunity to bring the immense complexity of forms

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100 A schematic of the canon of perception and cognition

If I am now asked to construct an information retrieval system or, if you wish, a „brain“ capable of similar, or even more complicated stunts, I would rather think in terms of a small and compact computing device instead of considering tabulation methods which tend to get out of hand quickly. It has lately become increasingly clear that evolution, in which an ever so slight advantage is immediately associated with a considerable pay-off in survival value, has gone exactly the way I just suggested, trading cumbersome accumulation of isolated operational entities for structural sophistication. Homeostasis is a typical case in

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094 Alterable synapses can be replaced by circles

THEOREM VII. Alterable synapses can be replaced by circles. This is accomplished by the method of Figure Ii. It is also to be remarked that a neuron which becomes and remains spontaneously active can likewise be replaced by a circle, which is set into activity by a peripheral afferent when the activity commences, and inhibited by one when it ceases. […] It is easily shown: first, that every net, if furnished with a tape, scanners connected to afferents, and suitable efferents to perform the necessary motor-operations, Call compute only such numbers as can a Turing machine; second, that each of

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099 (1965) David Easton

099 The Systemic Feedback Loop

Unity Out of Multiplicity This cursory survey of easily differentiable loops serves two purposes. It introduces us to a sample, if only a small one, of the variety of loops. An exhaustive analysis would however ensnare us in a veritable morass of feedback loops. Out of them, some selection would have to be made if any coherent understanding of the part played by feedback was to be achieved. Criteria of selection that enable us to set most loops aside will be introduced in a moment. Furthermore, and incidentally, this sampling of loops opens the first door to an appreciation of

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097 The circulation-process of capital

Since the production-process P is embedded in the circulation formula M — C … P … C‘ — M‘, capital always produces with the commodities C that it has purchased. Hence the cost of production does not immediately appear to capital as labour expended on its product. It is true, as pointed out earlier, that capital reckons in its process of value formation and augmentation not only the new labour flowing from the current consumption of labour-power, but also the old labour already materialised in the means of production and simply transferred to the new product as making up the

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096 Ist der Wille frei?

Der Begriff der Willensfreiheit spielt in der Diskussion um die Autonomie des Geistes gegenüber dem Gehirn eine besondere Rolle und ist eine Herausforderung an jeden neurobiologischen Physikalismus, sei er reduktionistisch oder nicht-reduktionistisch. Beim Begriff der Willensfreiheit gehe ich von der üblichen Vorstellung aus, daß ich mich entschließe, etwas zu tun, zum Beispiel gleich von meinem Stuhl aufzustehen oder heute abend ins Konzert zu gehen. Dies ist nach herkömmlicher Meinung ein mentales Ereignis, das als Willensakt auf das Gehirn einwirkt. Ich habe dabei die Empfindung, etwas zu tun, weil ich es so gewollt habe; der Willensakt ist der Verursacher der Handlung.

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095 Informations sémantique et esthétique

4. Informations sémantique et esthétique. La reconnaissance dans les objets sonores de formes normalisées, celles que dénomment les signes de l’alphabet phonétique, n’épuise pas la richesse du réel perceptibles. Le message sonore réel est la somme Forme normalisée + Variations et la forme normalisée reste un simple repère, susceptible de fluctuations notables dans sa durée, son timbre, sa hauteur, en bref son architecture. Il y a autour du signal normalisé, assemblage de symboles puisés dans un certain répertoire dont on peut calculer l’originalité et que nous appellerons Information sémantique Hs, une marge de fluctuations, un champ de liberté, dont l’aire

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093 Impact of computers on music

Once the conceptual distinction between the three domains of musical reality has been understood and accepted, the process of music realization can be described schematically as in Fig. I. The essential information flow between the three domains is shown. The schematic illustrates that music realization is not a straightforward process but a complex mutual interaction of categorical (symbolic, or verbal), auditory, and acoustic representations of music. It is obvious that the process comprises, among others, the following psychophysical items: the technique of symbolic representation; visual and other non-auditory perception; auditory perception; learning and memorizing; evolution and application of theoretical concepts;

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092 A pluralistic social order

Consider now what a relatively „advanced economy“ both makes possible by its performance and requires for its performance. An advanced economy not only can afford but also requires the reduction of illiteracy, the spread of universal education, widespread opportunities for higher education, and a proliferation of means of communication. Not only can it afford to produce an educated labor force, but it needs one: workers able to read and write, skilled workers who can read blueprints and respond to written directions, engineers, technicians, scientists, accountants, lawyers, managers of all kinds. Not only does it produce but it must have speedy

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