Denkform: Regelkreis

082 Du cercle vicieux au cycle vertueux

J’ai indiqué quelles son les impossibilités majeures qui condamnent mon entreprise: — l’impossibilité logique (cercle vicieux), — l’impossibilité du savoir encyclopédique, — la présence toute-puissante du principe de disjonction et l’absence d’un nouveau principe d’organisation du savor. Ces impossibilités sont imbriquées les unes dans les autres, et leur conjugaison donne cette énorme absurdité: un cercle vicieux d’ampleur encyclopédique et qui ne dispose ni de principe, ni de méthode pour s’organiser. Prenons la relation circulaire: [figure] Cette relation circulaire signifie tout d’abord qu’une science de l’homme postule une science de la nature, laquelle à son tour postule une science de l’homme:

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078 Encodings Between Natural and Formal Systems

In the preceding two chapters, we have discussed the concepts of natural systems, which belong primarily to science, and formal systems, which belong to mathematics. We now turn to the fundamental question of establishing relations between the two classes of systems. The establishment of such relations is fundamental to the concept of a model, and indeed, to all of theoretical science. In the present chapter we shall discuss such relations in a general way, and consider a wealth of specific illustrative examples in Chap. 3 below. In a sense, the difficulty and challenge in establishing such relations arises from the

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081 Technologischer Wandel in Gesamtdarstellungen

Bei der Beschreibung der Selbststeigerungsmechanismen und Hybriden lnstitutionen wurde besonderer Wert auf die Wechselwirkung gelegt. Denn über einen längeren Zeitraum werden einseitige Verknüpfungen häufig, vielleicht sogar immer zu Wechselwirkungen, und es ist wohl am besten, die Begriffe wie Ursachen oder Auswirkung im strengen Sinne zu vermeiden. So betont Melvin Kranzberg bei den für die Industrielle Revolution charakteristischen Erfindungen die Notwendigkeit einer dynamischen Wechselwirkung: „The great engineering inventions [ … ] would have been impossible without the dynamic interplay of a great many forces which brought together social stimulus, technical level, economic need, and inventive genius.« Alexander Gerschenkron bemerkt zur Wechselwirkung

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077 Paradigms of emotion

If we reject the idea that the emotions can be reduced to a fundamental few on the basis of biological criteria, we are still left with the problem of how to impose some order on the diversity of emotional phenomena. In the present section, I will approach this problem through the use of idealized models or paradigms. These paradigms describe the mechanisms that help distinguish certain classes of emotion; that is, they do not purport to represent particular emotions, nor do they imply that some emotions are more fundamental than others (although some may approximate the ideal of a paradigm

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076 Discrete noiseless systems

1. The discrete noiseless channel Teletype and telegraphy are two simple examples of a discrete channel for transmitting information. Generally, a discrete channel will mean a system whereby a sequence of choices from a finite set of elementary symbols S1, … Sn can be transmitted from one point to another. Each of the symbols S, is assumed to have a certain duration in time Ti seconds (not necessarily the same for different Si, for example the dots and dashes in telegraphy). It is not required that all possible sequences of the S, be capable of transmission on the system; certain

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075 Levels of Description or Abstraction

Other man-made stratified systems can be found in industrial automation, as discussed in Chap. I. A completely automated industrial plant is usually modeled on three strata: the physical processing of material and energy, the control and processing of information, and the economical operation in reference to efficiency and profitability (Fig. 2.3). Notice that on any of these three strata one is dealing with one and the same item, the basic physical product. On the first stratum it is viewed as a physical object to be changed in accordance with the physical laws; on the second stratum it is viewed as

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074 Prediction of English

Prediction of English The new method of estimating entropy exploits the fact that anyone speaking a language possesses, implicitly, an enormous knowledge of the statistics of the language. Familiarity with the words, idioms, clichés and grammar enables him to fill in missing or incorrect letters in proof-reading, Or to complete an unfinished phrase in conversation. An experimental demonstration of the extent to which English is predictable can be given as follows: Select a short passage unfamiliar to the person who is to do the predicting. He is then asked to guess the first letter in the passage. If the guess

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073 Komplexität und Demokratie

[S. 14] Von sozialer Integration sprechen wir im Hinblick auf Institutionensysteme, in denen sprechende und handelnde Subjekte vergesellschaftet sind; Gesellschaftssysteme erscheinen hier unter dem Aspekt einer Lebenswelt, die symbolisch strukturiert ist. Von Systemintegration sprechen wir im Hinblick auf die spezifischen Steuerungsleistungen eines selbstgeregelten Systems; Gesellschaftssysteme erscheinen hier unter dem Aspekt der Fähigkeit, ihre Grenzen und ihren Bestand durch Bewältigung der Komplexität einer unsteten Umwelt zu erhalten. Beide Paradigmata, Lebenswelt und System, haben ein Recht; ein Problem stellt ihre Verknüpfung dar. [S. 178ff] 5. Komplexität und Demokratie Luhmann betrachtet eine Kommunikationstheorie, die Legitimationsprobleme mit Bezugnahme auf die diskursive Einlösung von normativen

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072 Logical Models of Neural Networks

I want to start by giving a very sketchy account of neurophysiology- merely sufficient as a basis for our first mathematical model. We may regard the human nervous system as a three-stage system as shown in Figure 2.1.* Our fundamental hypothesis in setting up our model is that all the functioning of the nervous system relevant to our study is mediated solely by the passage of electrical impulses by cells we call neurons. Actually, the human brain contains more glial cells than it contains neurons, but it is neurophysiological orthodoxy to believe that these glial cells served only to support

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069 Consciousness and Risks in an Action System

The intensity of choice relates to the type of system making choices. A sustaining system possesses the facilities and sensors to sample its policies in a reasonably careful fashion. Thus the initiatives of a sustaining system might be of somewhat less intensity than in a system that lacked developed sensing apparatus. An action system because it lacks developed sensing facilities will have to make policy choices of higher intensity than a sustaining system. Thus an action system will involve more risk to itself and to the rest of the system because in order that it pursue conscious policy the intensity

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